- What is the Biochemic System:
Biochemic Therapeutics is based on the philosophy that the structure and vitality of the organs of the body are dependent upon certain necessary quantities and functioning of its organic and inorganic constituents. The organic components are the sugars, proteins, fats. The inorganic constituents are potassium, calcium, silica, iron, magnesium and sodium. Biochemic system deals with these inorganic salts. They in essence are the raw materials for the cells.
- How does it work?
The organic and the inorganic constituents of the cell ensure normal functioning of the cell like secretion, synthesis, reproduction, metabolism, destruction of the dead cells. Imbalance or deficiency in the inorganic salts lead to a cascade of pathological processes that lead to symptoms
- Principles of Biochemic Remedies
Blood is composed of organic and inorganic substances which are essential to the process of tissue building. The organic matter comprises sugar, fatty and albuminous substances. The inorganic constituents are what are called tissue or cell salts, and water though present in minute quantities, these tissue salts use the organic salts and water for building the various body cells. Diseases caused by an imbalance in the assimilation or use of the essential (inorganic) materials that are required for the repair and maintenance of the myriad cells that are constantly being manufactured and breaking down.
A deficiency of any of the vital tissue salts causes a dysfunction in the body which gives rise to disease. In the simplest terms, biochemistry supplies such deficiency, in minute quantities, to allow the cells to absorb the salt and get the metabolism to normalcy.